Happy Halloween!! I went through the whole day and kept forgetting it was Halloween..funny how things that were SO important when you were a little kid hardly seem to matter at all when you're older...it's kind of depressing really. To honor the holiday, I am going to make a point to eat a whole bunch of candy tonight! :)
As a teacher, I’m really into routine and scheduling. When I plan lessons, I like to do the same thing on different days of the week, so my teacher personality is coming out on my blog.
Introducing…..(drum roll please)….. Media Mondays!
Each Monday I’ll share music, movies, or TV shows that I think are worth listening to and/or watching.

I’ve been listening to the Shins for a few years now. They’re an indie rock group that originated in New Mexico I first heard about them when the movie Garden State with Zach Braff and Natalie Portman came out in 2004. The Shins are therapeutic to me in that they always put me in a better mood when I am down. Also, even though they’re not particularly peppy, they make good workout music, in my opinion. If you haven’t heard of the Shins before, check them out!